Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lets Build Part 2 - Creating the macros and finding the spot to build

Hello guys, and welcome to part 2 of "Lets Build".

In this part i'll teach you how to create the most necessary the macros, that are needed to build a house. When we have done that, we will find the perfect spot to build a house.

Lets begin.

You will need a macro to select, delete, fly and spawn GO's.

Make those 6 macros.

.go select

.go delete

.cheat fly

.go spawn 185301 1
(the DND cage).

.go spawn 1234807 1
(the rug).

.go spawn 45616 1
(the bed).

The last 2 ain't that important, but it's nice to have them as macros for later use.

Now as you got the macros you need to build a house with, lets find a spot to build it.
You can build a few different places: In air, on land and on/under water.

If you haven't builded a house before, i suggest you build it on flat land. That's the easiest to start off with.

Now find your spot to build!

I found this place under Stormwind.

Now you have made the macros and found a nice spot to build.

The next part is the last. There i've made a video, where i'll show you how to create a house, using the GPS command!

To be continued...


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